Thinking of raising money for Gloucestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre?
Get in touch with us here.

As a registered charity, we’re always so grateful for the generosity and enthusiasm of kind-hearted people like you, who enable us to support and empower survivors of sexual abuse, through your donations and fundraising.

You can take part in our events or run your own and we can offer to support you with ideas and planning including advertising your event.

You can link your fundraising event to our Just Giving page and have your donations deposited directly to us quickly and easily – Gloucestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre – JustGiving

Corporate Fundraising Brochure
Corporate Fundraising
Our fundraising team have put together a Corporate Fundraising Brochure to aid local businesses in their fundraising for us. There are lots of ways to get involved and raise vital funds for our organisation included. Please click the image to download our Corporate Fundraising Brochure.